Monday, October 7, 2013

We can learn to love again

Assalamualaikum..hello been so long i didn't write here.

Today, during the english class we learnt about grammar: compound and complex sentence.
Madame ask us to write some sentences with a picture as a guidance.
i took so much time to think the proper grammar.
Then, madam asked me to read my sentence.
There was something wrong with my sentence so she corrected me.
Just that i realized my grammar is really worst..
Can u imagine if the grammar is worst, what will be happened to my sentences and essay.???

As a conclusion, i need to study more about grammar.
It is not enough if u only read english stuff such as novel and magazine.
Because next year i'm going to TEACH ENGLISH for primary school.
If the teacher is not good, so ...
what will be happened to the students???

i'm going to put more effort for ENGLISH.
insha allah... :)